Thursday, September 3, 2015

Last Korean Lunch and Home

Spent the morning sleeping a little extra,packing and drinking coffee. Then tea with Ruth, an interview for the Korean Dog Magazine, and it was time to head for the airport. Before leaving the amazing city of Seoul, I had time for a last lunch. The Kimchee and sliced, pickled vegetables and fruit are going to be missed the most. I'm going to have to hunt through the Oriental markets and see if I can find them here!
Always order light and then add on if you are still hungry. Portion size here it considerably more generous! I finished about half and regrettably had to leave way too much and waddle away.
A last sip and it was time to board...
While I was gone, David and Deidre kept my tomatoe plants well watered and picked...and it's been such a hot wonderful summer, that the harvest is not even half over. I pulled these perfectly ripe beauties from the vines as soon as I got home...delicious!
Davis was busy while I was in Korea...picking out a new toy! Quite the ride.

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