Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jinan Show - China Kennel Union

After a two-hour Bullet Train ride, Wendy, Francesco, Pedro, Tina and I arrived in Jinan. All settled in at the hotel, the Club members took us our for a Peking Duck feast. Absolutely delicious!

Wendy and I judged the first day of the show while the others went to see a few sights around Jinan, including the Lake. We get to tour about tomorrow, but first there is work to be done. 
It was a beautiful morning and the sun was out all day. A gentle breeze was a most welcome factor!
My ring -all sun
Wendy's ring...a bit of shade in the morning. 
My Best Baby lineup - Samoyed-Kerry Blue-Pekingese-Whippet
My Best Puppy lineup - Toy Poodle-French Bulldog-Akita-Whippet
My Best In Show lineup - Pomeranian-Whippet-Golden Retreiver-Border Collie
It was an honor to be asked to have a student Judge shadow for the breeds she is applying for. Viva was a lovely woman who had good hands on the dogs, and articulated her findings well. 
Wendy's Best In Show lineup - Maltese-Border Collie-Pomeranian-Golden Retreiver

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