Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday evening

To celebrate my last night, I went to a very nice restaurant right in the Piazza, enjoyed a delicious plateful of gnocchi with gorgonzola and pear...all in a velvety cream sauce! Some Chianti Classico to sip along with the meal.
The view from my table at Le Cavilliero...
The very light rain just made the cobblestones glisten!

And then across to my favorite coffee shop for Creme Caramel and a cappuccino 
What a way to end a perfect vacation, sitting and admiring the Palazzo Vecchio and a full sized replica of Michelangelo's David!
My favourite statue in the Loggia...The Rape of the Sabine Women... Now home to pack!

Sunday morning

Florence is acting out what I'm feeling with a light cloud cover all morning and then some gentle showers...I don't have to shed a tear cause the skies are doing it for me!
But, my last morning so after enjoying breakfast
It was walk about for the final morning time. And wouldn't you know it, a new exhibit just opened at the Medici-Riccardi Palazzo...this one all about Pinoccio, who was a Florentine, you know!
The featured artist is moderna...and all of the sculptures are lacquered brass and coloured plexiglass.

Whimsical and such fun...there were dozens more...but you get the picture.
Time for a cappuccino, complete with the Firenza coat of arms in cocoa
Couldn't resist snapping a shot of this painting...
And since it was raining, I walked over and picked up my certificate and then went back to the hotel and went to the spa and just relaxed in the steam room...another post later...after supper and to celebrate my last evening in Italy!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday...warmest day yet!

In fact, so warm that I had to buy a lighter top to walk around in.

First order of business was a visit to the national library. 
Most if the books must be requested...but there are a few stacks that can be accessed.
One of the reading rooms
Front foyer
Back at the hotel and all checked in, a bit bigger room this time. 

After checking in, more walking about, and since it's Saturday, there were several street performers out and about. Met Kristina one last time for supper at a little restaurant on the other side of the river...didn't take any pix as I think there are enough photos of pasta included already. Can't believe that tomorrow is my last day here, although it will be nice to get home and hug the family! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday...and an Italian holiday

What a great day it was today. It got to about 24 degrees and it was blue sky and sunshine all day long! I hit the streets early and just started walking. Went in a direction that I haven't gone I before, just to walk and see what I'd see. And just in case I haven't mentioned it, the gelato is as delicious as it has always been. My favorite...limone!
Walked to Fortezza da Basso, a huge fortification that is rather impressive. And this weekend, the entire fort is full of artisans of every description. So had a great time walking around looking at all sorts of stuff from soap and perfume to furniture. Truly a wild assortment of wares.
Coolest jellyfish!

After this market...walked a little closer to the centre of things and ended up at the international market, a huge place that houses the Lorenzo de'Medici cooking school...
Wouldn't this be fun to attend for a month or so?

As I passed the Bank of Italy, I couldn't help notice the sculptures over their doors. The sculptures over each of the main doors are similar, but the little cherubs are indifferent postures.
I think they are saying that they have lots of food and lots of money!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday...last class day

OAnd I can't believe that class is's been so much fun and I've learned so before anything else from's my painting..still needs a few layers, but she's looking pretty good!
This morning, as I was out for a bit of a walk before class, I came upon the old fish market. No longer a Fish market, now stalls of antiques dominate the space, but, truly a memorable little spot.
To celebrate the last class day for Richard and me, Kristine, Ally and Richard and I went for a fabulous dinner at the Four Lions...delicious, from the pasta stuffed with pear and smothered in a cream sauce with asparagus, to the Panna Cotta that I enjoyed for was wonderful.

Creamiest Panna Cott I've ever had...
And on the walk home, came across this street artist...amazing...Flora from Bottacelli's Prima Vera! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday...a long day in the studio

This week, as well as Easter Monday, there is also a holiday on Friday. Which means that today I had to get parts of my painting done so that tomorrow I can learn and practice one of the last techniques I'm here to learn. The studio opens at 11:00, and I was there about 10 minutes after the doors opened. 

I did go for a nice long walk early in the morning, and happened upon the Instituto of Leather Working. The institute is in an old church and the display rooms are packed with some beautiful works. 
Walking thru the courtyard of the school of leather

Great old longer in use, but worth a picture 
They are trying to replicate a few of the statues that have started to crumble...this one especially caught my eye - reminded me of the book 'City of Falling Angels' 

At 6:30, it was time to clean up as the Instituto closes at 7:00. One of the new students this week, Ally from New York, came with Kristina and me to a wonderful little restaurant where you go in, sit down, they bring glasses of wine and water for the table, and then you go help yourself to the myriad dishes they have that evening. Tonight it was about 10 different salads and cold dishes and 4 hot dishes...polenta (yum), a wonderful spicy ragu, crispy chicken legs and ribs together in one covered pan, and a tomato basil and bread dish that was delicious. The thing about this place is that it costs 8 Euro per person, wine included. A great deal for a really good meal.

Not a lot of photos today, I was too busy painting....

But here's one that Kristina sent me today from our cooking class on Monday...what a great place to eat, drink and chat up a storm!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday...back to class

After the very busy day yesterday, I let myself sleep in a bit and then headed to class early. Got another layer on the skin and waited for Sonja to show me how to do the gilding! You first apply a transparent glue/sizing to all the parts that need to be covered in gold, then let it dry for 30 minutes. Next comes the ultra thin sheets of gold that you place and gently smooth down over the 'glued' areas. Then you take a soft cloth and in a circular motion, you rub off the gold that doesn't stick to the glue. The next step is to paint the gold with a solution that will allow you to paint on top of the gold...the details in the jewelry, etc. the solution needs to dry, so here's how far I got today...
The skintone will take another several layers, but the end result is so lovely that, I don't mind the 'putzing' of layer on layer!

After being at the Instituto from 11:00 until after 6:00, well, tonight feels like it should be relaxing and not really pushing it too much. Came home and made myself some ribbon pasta with pesto, tomato, peas, fresh tomatoes and a generous sprinkling of rough grated parm., so yummy! And a lovely glass of red wine, of course!

Tonight it was just a short stroll to the piazza to sit and listen to the street performer...and gaze up at the Palazzo Vecchio tower.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, from the top of the Duomo

I did it! Climbed the duomo, and it actually didn't feel that bad at all. What a view, first from about half way up, when you walk around the base of where the cupola frescos start, I've never seen them so close, and they are amazing!

And then at the top of the highest building in Florence! That's one of the ribs of the dome...truly amazing!
And I thought the tower was high!
Sipping a cappuccino and looking up to that little golden globe where I was standing only moments before!

A little market shopping and Italian cooking class! Great place and the chefs were wonderful. Kristina and I booked the class because, well, it was Monday and there wasn't class today either, so we figured we had to learn something!
The kitchen stations...before we messed them up!
The students at another station rolling the fettuccini dough
Our gnocchi and fettuccini bundles!!! We made white meat ragu for the gnocchi and a tomato, garlic and basil sauce for the fettuccini. We also made a wonderful turkey and mushroom sauté with wine and brandy...and then...of course, tiramisu! Once the cooking was all done, it was down to the wine cellar and let the feasting begin...and of course, the wine was flowing, too!

Btw...the gnocchi was my favourite, and is a recipe that I will be trying again when I get home!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A very sunny Sunday

A little shopping at the street markets this morning and then it was off for a long walk. Not open today, but the National Library is definitely on my list for next week!
What a great day for a walk along the Arno

And on the other side...well it's up and up and up some more.
The Torre San Niccolo part of the old city walls
Grottos and...more stairs

And in the Piazzale Michelangelo, the bronze replica of The David
Time for a glass of crisp, chilled white wine...this one with delightful undertones of pear...and if you are going to stop and really sure to get the best table in the house, or on the patio!

One the walk back I took a diversionary stroll through Giardino Della Rose...roses of every colour in bloom everywhere, and filling the air with fragrance. 
The walk back took me alongside of another stretch of the old city walls. And now home as it is going to be a quiet night in...I have an early start to tomorrow.