Sunday, April 13, 2014

A walk about Sunday

After the long day yesterday, I lounged around a bit this morning. But, not too long, after all there are still so many things to see and do! Today, two things on the roster...Santa Maria Novella - where Masaccio's fabulous frescos can be seen- and then to the Palazzo Strozzi - where a wonderful exhibition of Pontormo and Rosso Fiorenino are on special display until the end of July.
But first I happened upon San Lorenzio, I think I mentioned that the Medeci crest is everywhere...even emblazoned in gold on the cathedral ceilings!

The facade of the Santa Maria Novella...which doesn't begin to hint at the vastness that stretches out behind and to the side.
Just a few of Masaccio's frescos - scene after scene, stacked up in the Brancacci chapel...
This fresco, a stand alone on one wall, was a ground breaking painting as it introduced a form of perspective that artists hadn't used before, but which revolutionized painting and paved the way for more perspective advancements.

And then it was on to the Strozzi...
The draping and the colours ... wonderful!
Cosimo il Vecchio (the Elder)...the beginning of di Medici dynasty, by Pontormo
On the walk back, I went through the square in front of the arch marking 'L'Antico Centro Della Citta' - the ancient centre of the city. Street performers were set up, the merry-go-round was working and the shops were open...Sunday in Florence. Tomorrow, Monday, most everything is closed, museums, galleries, etc., but's party on!

It was slightly overcast for parts of the day, but it only rained when I was in the Strozzi, and by the time I came out, the streets were wet, but the showers had passed and it made for a warm, fresh and delightful walk back to my apartment.

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