Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday, heading into the long weekend

Up early, met Kristina, a fellow art student from Sweden, and it was off to the Uffizi. We spent 4.5 hours  cranking our necks, walking while gazing at ceilings and also staring at some of the most wonderful masterpieces ever painted and sculpted.
One of the three hallways, literally lined with paintings and sculptures, and there are labyrinths of rooms/salons off to the side that house the most precious works.

From the Bottacelli room...Primavera and the Birth of Venus...both of theses paintings measure about  3.5 metres by 2.5 metres -tempera on board, which is the technique I'm here learning how to do

The gold room, hard to capture just how beautifully appointed this room is
Yet another favorite guy, God of Wine that he is!
Titian's words can say enough
Antiquities - these ancient Greek statues are fun to sketch
One of the hundreds of sculptures in the Uffizi...more than the mind can absorb...
The Arno at night from the Ponte Vecchio
Kristina, rubbing the boar's nose...a Florentine tradition


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