Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday...back to class

After the very busy day yesterday, I let myself sleep in a bit and then headed to class early. Got another layer on the skin and waited for Sonja to show me how to do the gilding! You first apply a transparent glue/sizing to all the parts that need to be covered in gold, then let it dry for 30 minutes. Next comes the ultra thin sheets of gold that you place and gently smooth down over the 'glued' areas. Then you take a soft cloth and in a circular motion, you rub off the gold that doesn't stick to the glue. The next step is to paint the gold with a solution that will allow you to paint on top of the gold...the details in the jewelry, etc. the solution needs to dry, so here's how far I got today...
The skintone will take another several layers, but the end result is so lovely that, I don't mind the 'putzing' of layer on layer!

After being at the Instituto from 11:00 until after 6:00, well, tonight feels like it should be relaxing and not really pushing it too much. Came home and made myself some ribbon pasta with pesto, tomato, peas, fresh tomatoes and a generous sprinkling of rough grated parm., so yummy! And a lovely glass of red wine, of course!

Tonight it was just a short stroll to the piazza to sit and listen to the street performer...and gaze up at the Palazzo Vecchio tower.

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