Sunday, April 20, 2014

A very sunny Sunday

A little shopping at the street markets this morning and then it was off for a long walk. Not open today, but the National Library is definitely on my list for next week!
What a great day for a walk along the Arno

And on the other side...well it's up and up and up some more.
The Torre San Niccolo part of the old city walls
Grottos and...more stairs

And in the Piazzale Michelangelo, the bronze replica of The David
Time for a glass of crisp, chilled white wine...this one with delightful undertones of pear...and if you are going to stop and really sure to get the best table in the house, or on the patio!

One the walk back I took a diversionary stroll through Giardino Della Rose...roses of every colour in bloom everywhere, and filling the air with fragrance. 
The walk back took me alongside of another stretch of the old city walls. And now home as it is going to be a quiet night in...I have an early start to tomorrow.

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