Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15

Another beautiful, blue sky day, and very warm. Spent the morning walking around, I wanted to visit the Spedale degli Innocenti, where the facade features Andrea Della Robbia's glazed terracotta roundels, but it is under construction and the entire facade is covered with painted drop cloths to hide the scaffolding. Oh well....not this time. So I turned it into a glass day, and took a photo of the main doors to one of the banks, where they also have a wonderful art collection on display that visitors are welcome to walk around and enjoy...I want to bank at this type of bank!
Don't let the glass doors fool you, they are inside the solid streetfront doors, and there are cameras and security guards to spare inside
This glass ceiling is the sweet piece that covers the entrance to San Annuziata
The ceiling of Annuziata is totally covered in gold leaf...very heavy and very ornate

Then is was off to the Instituto to get a couple of hours of painting in before the lesson. At about 2:00 I took a break and went for lunch. Found a gorgeous little restaurant very close the the school, and the pasta was perfect!
Today's lunch was wide ribbon pasta with pesto, little tomatoes and freshly grated parm. You can't see the flame on top, but beside the roses there is a candle in that silver holder...fine lunching!

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