Tuesday, April 8, 2014


One of the nicest things about being here for weeks, is that I don't need to squeeze too much into any given day. This morning, went for a lovely walk in e general direction of the Casa di  Dante. A couple of coffees along the way...so more of an amble then a walk. 
It's a shame that we don't still write like this...
Off to class early as I still have two colours to mix. 
The entrance to the studio
Painting upstairs, sculpting downstairs

Only the ultramarine blue and the red left to mix, and red is left til the end...the pigment is very strong, so yesterday I practiced getting the 'feel' on white, green, yellow, earth.
It's quite a process, and not one to be rushed.
Adding just a small amount of pigment to the egg medium, first you mix with a pallet knife
Then you fine blend with the grinding glass...repeat at least 4 times until the paint will hold soft peaks
 After doing this for all colours, washing everything (surface, knives, glass) thoroughly in between...well, about 4 hours have gone by...very therapeutic! 
 Tomorrow I will actually get to start ... I've chosen the painting "Giuditta con la testa di Oloferne" - by Lukas Cranach - 1530 ca.

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