Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday already

Another beautiful bright sunny day, the weather has been spectacular. Off first thing this morning, after a delightful coffee, to the national museum, Bargello - Baccio Bandinelli...just amazing!
View of the courtyard from the third floor - over 80 steps to the third floor, btw.
From sketches...
To sculptures, plus a treasure drove of was over three hours of pure bliss to just walk slowly around and try to take in as much as possible.
And of course, the star of the show...
Donatello's David
No small niche for this masterpiece, that's him in the left hand corner, taken from the entrance to the room.

Since I mentioned the stairs in this palace, I will jot down here that it's 44 stairs up to my apartment, and then there are another 20 stairs up to the one needs a stairclimber in this city!
Just one more to round out the mini fav guy Bachus, God of Wine! Love this guy...

And tomorrow....VENICE for a day! 
 Oh, and here's how I had to leave my young lady for the weekend...
Looking a little more human, and base coat on some of the dress. On Monday, before class, I will put another layer on the hat and the red part of the sleeves. The blending on the skin is done with very small feather lite strokes following the contour of the form. 

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