Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday...a busy day at the studio

Time to make up a few hours of painting time...after the slow drying gesso...
Sonja keeps telling me to just go with the process, and it's so different, well I must have a little faith, I suppose.
First undertones for all flesh parts, and as sketchy as it looks, Sonja keeps saying, "Perfecto." The red an the hat and dress will be red, the red undertone on the border and the jewelry is the base for the gold leaf!!!
Three layers on the background, and it's starting to look rather velvety, so ... The third layer, and all the layers after that start to really lend themselves to blending, hence the very smooth transitioning of colour seen in tempra. Just the start to the face, and there was the whole day - gone. All told, I spent almost 7 hours in the holiday ever!

On my way home, I stopped and picked up my ticket to Venice for will be time for a little break.

Absolutely fabulous pasta dish for supper, fresh bread, cheese...and a wee glass of Limoncello for a late night treat!

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