Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday...a long day in the studio

This week, as well as Easter Monday, there is also a holiday on Friday. Which means that today I had to get parts of my painting done so that tomorrow I can learn and practice one of the last techniques I'm here to learn. The studio opens at 11:00, and I was there about 10 minutes after the doors opened. 

I did go for a nice long walk early in the morning, and happened upon the Instituto of Leather Working. The institute is in an old church and the display rooms are packed with some beautiful works. 
Walking thru the courtyard of the school of leather

Great old longer in use, but worth a picture 
They are trying to replicate a few of the statues that have started to crumble...this one especially caught my eye - reminded me of the book 'City of Falling Angels' 

At 6:30, it was time to clean up as the Instituto closes at 7:00. One of the new students this week, Ally from New York, came with Kristina and me to a wonderful little restaurant where you go in, sit down, they bring glasses of wine and water for the table, and then you go help yourself to the myriad dishes they have that evening. Tonight it was about 10 different salads and cold dishes and 4 hot dishes...polenta (yum), a wonderful spicy ragu, crispy chicken legs and ribs together in one covered pan, and a tomato basil and bread dish that was delicious. The thing about this place is that it costs 8 Euro per person, wine included. A great deal for a really good meal.

Not a lot of photos today, I was too busy painting....

But here's one that Kristina sent me today from our cooking class on Monday...what a great place to eat, drink and chat up a storm!

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