Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday...and an Italian holiday

What a great day it was today. It got to about 24 degrees and it was blue sky and sunshine all day long! I hit the streets early and just started walking. Went in a direction that I haven't gone I before, just to walk and see what I'd see. And just in case I haven't mentioned it, the gelato is as delicious as it has always been. My favorite...limone!
Walked to Fortezza da Basso, a huge fortification that is rather impressive. And this weekend, the entire fort is full of artisans of every description. So had a great time walking around looking at all sorts of stuff from soap and perfume to furniture. Truly a wild assortment of wares.
Coolest jellyfish!

After this market...walked a little closer to the centre of things and ended up at the international market, a huge place that houses the Lorenzo de'Medici cooking school...
Wouldn't this be fun to attend for a month or so?

As I passed the Bank of Italy, I couldn't help notice the sculptures over their doors. The sculptures over each of the main doors are similar, but the little cherubs are indifferent postures.
I think they are saying that they have lots of food and lots of money!

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