Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday the 16th

I'm feeling rather charmed as the weather again today was bright, blue and wonderful. A bit of a breeze, but just beautiful out. Took a walk to the Ponte Vecchio, enjoyed the view and of course, couldn't escape without picking up earrings for Cyan and Kayla! Hard to pick from all that sparkle...but, gave it my best effort!
One of the window displays in one of the shops on the Old Bridge!
At the very centre of the bridge is a bust of Maestro Benvenuto Cellini, and at this spot, the evening's street performer sets up once the sun goes down
The view to one side of the bridge
And the other side. A few clouds in the morning which were gone by noon and the rest of the day was clear

Walked back to the school, and spent the next several hours adding another layer to my painting. I'll take another snap of it on Friday for the blog.

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