Thursday, April 17, 2014 much fun, they should declare it a National Holiday

What can I say, as days go, this one was a pipp, with a capital P. I will start at the beginning, and not at the amazing bar where the day ended...

There just happens to be a Jackson Pollock exhibit (no pix allowed in the Pollock exhibit) being held at the Palazzo Vecchio, so, even though I've been through the palace before, well, who can resist a few paintings by Jack the Dripper? Not me! 

Into the Palazzo I go. I have to say that the 'Hall of 500' is as amazing as it was the last time and the sheer opulence of the entire Old Palace is just rather overwhelming...
I'll pop in the pix of the whole Hall when I get to the pix from the next floor up!
Just a touch intimidating...which is exactly the look and feel that the Medici were going for!
From floors...
to ceilings...
To stairways...nothing goes undecorated!

The map room...the walls are festooned with maps and a huge globe commands centre stage
As high up the tower as they will let you go...only 282 stairs up from the second floor, and it was 167 stairs to get from floor zero, thru one and up to two! 
But the view was breath-taking!
The directors of the Art school invited all students to come along for a night the bar they took us to, you buy a drink and then you help yourself to the food laid out buffet style...haven't eaten this much since I got here...delicious salads, cheeses and prosciutto and salami ...delicious!
Now, I must stop writing as it's an early morning tomorrow. I have reserved tickets for the Uffizi for 8:30! Buena notte!

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