Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, from the top of the Duomo

I did it! Climbed the duomo, and it actually didn't feel that bad at all. What a view, first from about half way up, when you walk around the base of where the cupola frescos start, I've never seen them so close, and they are amazing!

And then at the top of the highest building in Florence! That's one of the ribs of the dome...truly amazing!
And I thought the tower was high!
Sipping a cappuccino and looking up to that little golden globe where I was standing only moments before!

A little market shopping and Italian cooking class! Great place and the chefs were wonderful. Kristina and I booked the class because, well, it was Monday and there wasn't class today either, so we figured we had to learn something!
The kitchen stations...before we messed them up!
The students at another station rolling the fettuccini dough
Our gnocchi and fettuccini bundles!!! We made white meat ragu for the gnocchi and a tomato, garlic and basil sauce for the fettuccini. We also made a wonderful turkey and mushroom sauté with wine and brandy...and then...of course, tiramisu! Once the cooking was all done, it was down to the wine cellar and let the feasting begin...and of course, the wine was flowing, too!

Btw...the gnocchi was my favourite, and is a recipe that I will be trying again when I get home!

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